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Email Dashboard

To communicate with creators or other users from your network, use the email communications tool– you can access emails from the Mailbox icon on the left NavBar, from the Campaign Dashboard and from individual User profiles.

Each row in your Inbox displays who sent the email, the subject of the email, a status label, the associated campaign, and any team(s) in your channel that are associated with the email. Click on the name of an email to read it, update the email’s label/status and attach it to a campaign.

Inbox Action Buttons

Use the Quick Filters button at the top of your page to narrow down your inbox results. Use the Actions button to: Label Selected Messages, Mark as Read/Unread/Spam, Archive or Unarchive Emails

TopBar Actions

All Messages/Campaign Messages dropdown allows you to see emails just for a specific campaign. Sent, also known as your outbox, this is where all the emails you’ve sent out can be found. It has the same features available as your inbox. The Compose section of your email dashboard is where you can draft messages to send out to influencers or others in your network.

Compose Actions

Open Address Book allows you to select contacts from a compiled list of contacts drawn from _. You can filter through this contact book by searching for a specific user, filtering by badge, or filtering by list. Templates allow you to apply a template to an email, which is specifically for messages that include information that doesn’t vary often. Check out how to create a template, here!

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