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101 – Creator CRM

The Creator CRM is where you manage creators, identify new talents, and create vetted lists. In the Creator CRM, you can use the various tabs and tools to achieve your goals.

The My Creators tab is the default view when you open the Creator CRM and it shows any talent and admin users that are in your network. In My Creators, you can see a range of talent information from social reach and engagement to internal notes and ratings. Using the three icons in the upper right corner, you can expand the talent rows to show more details, customize what columns to show, and search for talent within your network.

You can also click on a talent’s profile picture to see the Creator Profile Card, where you will find the talent’s social network stats, audience analysis, and any lists and campaigns the talent is a part of.

We have a list of articles that walk you through the various tabs in the Creator CRM so make sure you check them out:

How to add new talent to your network

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