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Run the Campaign Setup Wizard

If this is your first campaign, the Campaign Setup Wizard walks you through the most important campaign settings so you can tailor it to your organization’s needs. This doesn’t just apply to new campaigns – at any point you can use the Campaign Setup Wizard to quickly review and modify your campaign. Or feel free to use the Campaign Settings feature to optimize your campaign to your exact needs.

In the previous step (see Create Your First Campaign for more details), we created our new campaign either from scratch or by copying an existing campaign. Now let’s proceed with running our Campaign Setup Wizard to adjust it for our needs.

A quick note about this step: If you haven’t going through the Creators Quick Start Guide, this is a good time to do it so you have some creators to work with. You can still run the setup wizard, but having creators to activate into your campaign helps get things running.

To launch the Campaign Setup Wizard:

  1. Select the campaign from the Campaigns Dashboard.
  2. Select the wand icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen with the pop up tag Launch the setup wizard. You’ll be presented with a pop-up screen with the following sections:
    1. Basics: Set the name of your campaign, and select a Campaign Preset. The presets let you apply settings to your campaign based on what kind it is.
    2. Tweaks: Adjust the campaign settings for your organization’s needs. These include the Number of Participants, the Total Budget for your campaign, and other settings. The most important settings to be aware of are the following:
      1. Target Number of Participants: This sets the max number of creators that cam participate in the campaign. If the number is 0, then there is no upper limit to how many creators can be included in your campaign.
      2. Blog/Instagram/Twitter Posts Required: How many approved and published posts of each type a creator. For more information, see Manage Campaign Content.
      3. Total Budget: Set the maximum sum amount that the campaign will pay to the creators.
    3. Communication: This is where you’ll set how you’ll describe this campaign to the users participating in it. This will be visible to your creators, so it should be short, descriptive, and to the point so they know exactly what the campaign is about before they start.
    4. Add Users: Now you can select what creators to your campaign. From here you can sort or filter the different creators, select the ones to add to the campaign, and activate them. If you haven’t yet added any creators to your organization, see the Recruiting Creators section.
    5. Next Steps: You’re almost ready to go! The Next Steps section contains some helpful hints on what you should do next with your campaign.
  3. Fill in each section and select Save and Continue to move onto the next one. You can jump back to a previous setting by selecting the name at the top. When you’ve completed all of them, click Review Settings and Continue.
  4. This loads the Campaign Settings page for your campaign. Take a look at the different options and make any adjustments you need.

If you need to make any changes in the future, you can use the Campaign Settings to make any adjustments you need. Proceed to Manage Campaign Content and let’s get your creator’s content out there to the world.