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Content Requirements Overview

Content Requirements specify Campaign standards that must be completed or fulfilled by influencers. The following requirements can be set for the campaign:

Content Requirement settings example.
Content Requirement settings example.
  • Require Drafts for Long-Form Posts: Enabling this setting will require influencers to submit drafts for your review before they can post any public content. “Long-Form Posts” refers specifically to blog posts; if you indicate that two blog posts are required in the campaign, then the influencer will be asked to submit two drafts.
  • Require Drafts for Social Posts: Enabling this setting will require influencers to submit drafts for each social post they are being asked to publish. If you specify that you want 3 Instagram posts and 2 Twitter posts, the influencer will be required to submit 5 drafts. This number is added to the required drafts for any long-form posts.
  • Draft Submission Deadline: Enter the due date for draft submission in the “Draft Submission Deadline” box. A calendar pops up for you to quickly choose a date. You may also enter a date by typing the numbers in the box in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Blog Posts Required: Enter the number of posts that the influencer should publish to their blog.
  • Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc, Posts Required: These fields specify the number of posts the influencer should craft and publish to the relevant social network.
  • High-Resolution Images Required: Enabling this setting will require influencers to directly upload images to the platform, regardless of any images in blog or social posts that they also may publish. This is useful if you need the original, high-resolution version of images that influencers generate.
  • Video Uploads Required: Enabling this setting will require influencers to directly upload videos to the platform, regardless of any videos that appear in blog or social posts that they may publish.